Wednesday, May 20, 2009

You Want To Be A Pilot?

But haven't been given a chance at all?

Would you settle for a ride in the Flight Simulator?

No? Sure? Aww come on!!! You get to 'fly' it! Get to be a Pilot for a day!

Even though it's not the real thing, it's the very same simulator that our Pilots train on!!

Yup! The one at AirAsia Academy!!!

Intrigued? How can you win that chance?

Step 1: Come to AirAsia Culture Carnival on the 30th of May at AirAsia Academy.

Step 2: Take part in the Lucky Draw. (heck! stick around the whole day!)

Step 3: Keep your fingers crossed!!!



Annoymous said...

Pilot's hard.... stringent too

Diyana said...

erm...did you actually read the post? or you stopped at the title?

ArchDyeu said...

Cant you swing it so i can get a go at the simulator without entering or winning the contest?


Diyana said...

eheheheheheh, are you even in the country my friend?

maybe i could swing it, but not on that day eh......