If you have been wanting to get an iPod your whole life (yeah, exaggerating like that) but haven't been able to afford one. Well, you got lucky. No, I am not giving away free iPods.
You know how electronic stuffs are getting cheaper and cheaper every year? (sometimes by the month). Well, iPods are getting cheaper too. No, seriously! I am so not kidding!! Really? You don't believe me? Let me make your day then.
First up! The iPod Shuffle. The one iPod that shrunk in size tremendously throughout the years. The cheapest iPod that people buy, just to show people that they have an iPod (my opinion only, don't get all touchy touchy aight) I don't remember the old starting price. But it was defnitely way higher than the price now!
Pictures are clickable for a clearer view okays.
Crazy right?
Now, let's move on to iPod Touch. I don't know if they still call the new one 2nd generation or the 3rd generation, but like I said, the price is lower. Recalling my knowledge (too lazy to research, and the old specs are not available on the site store no more) last time, they only had it in 8GB and 16 GB IF I'm not mistaken. Now they have it in 8GB, 32GB and 64GB. If you buy the two latter ones, you'll get the earphones which has the remote and mic. Starting price is reduced by almost RM200!! The old starting price is RM 979! WARAFAK RITE?

Anyways, I saved the best for last. Well, I think it's the best upgrade so far. iPod Nano 5th Generation bebeh.
YOU CAN NOW RECORD VIDEOS. I KNOW. SO COOL RITE? Old starting price was like what? RM699? Now? Ridiculous!

Oh I forgot, it freaking has FM TUNER TOO!!!!!!!
In case you are wondering, yes iPod classic has also been upgraded. But me no likey classic, so go check out youself.
If you have any questions whatsoever, anything at all, don't ask me! hahaha! Go check out the website.
http://store.apple.com/myDisclaimer: I am not a rep from Apple, nor am I getting paid for writing this (I wish). If given all the money in the world, I still would NOT purchase an iPod as I think it's all hyped up and kind of overrated (confirm won't get paid!). I'm getting all excited over this because I am an iPod user, one that I got for winning a contest, not by splurging my hard earned mullah.
IF YOU JUST WANNA SHOW IT OFF, well, it's your life.
And yes, it is easier for me to say that just because I got mine for free. Get over it ahaks!