Friday, July 20, 2012

...About Sight Seeing In Bali

Although I don't get to travel or go for getaways as often as some of my colleagues do, I am fortunate enough to be able to go on annual trips. This year, I made it to Bali. Was a last minute trip. A girl friend who resides in Australia was going there for a week and suggested that it'll be cool to meet there. After some scrambling, loads of sms-es and online messaging, the trip came to fruit.

It was a fun trip with good company. Although I spent more than I would have liked, I still enjoyed the trip. The only hassle was to get halal food. Oh well, all that aside, let us let the pictures do the talking.

Oh and by the way, this was way back in Apri (>_<)


Ros said...

nice entries you have here -just dicovered and become one of your followers ;)

Diyana said...

why thank you!