I think I'll try jusco again, I've been looking at the wrong section I think.
Aaanyways, today is the last day of OJT at the wheel shop. It was great fun, muscles aching a little, but everyone there was friendly which made the work less tiring.
My previous class before going to the wheelshop ended two weeks ago. Did not feel like blogging back then. Exam was ok, just found out the results today, everyone passed, but I don't know my marks yet. It's back to class on Monday, at the Academy. Classes will be at the Academy from now on.
Last, last weekend, went to Pavillion. The only reason I wanted to go there was because I wanted to go to Echo Park, MNG, Zara, Topshop and Padini Concept Store. Was tired of Mid Valley, so chose Pavillion. Went to Echo Park to check out the Voyeurizm polo-t, turns out they only have male sizes now, no baby tee version. *sighs*
Bought 2 pairs of black pants for work. I have a feeling I have to keep buying black pants every year. For classes, morning shift and night shift. My current work pants is contaminated with jet oil and grease, so I'm saving it for night shifts only. I have 7 pairs of black pants now T_T
Haven't been cooking at all this week. Too lazy, I was doing overtime most of the week, so ate out.
Today was a total PMS day, was snapping at people left and right. Might've annoyed some people (I'm sure of it) SORRY!!
Oh well, will rest as much as I can this weekend.
Tata. (it means grandfather in tamil)

Trying soaking the oil stained pants in kleenfloor solution first for an hour or so. Rinsed and wash with clothe detergent as per normal.
Ask la me for Miso soup, since i am in the homeland of the soup......
But ya right, its a little vague on the halal part. But if you know what flavour you want, i can source some sample's out.
Or i can help you translate the ones you can find in Isetan or Jusco to see if it has any non-halal ingredients, send me pics :)
ahahah, well i can't ask u to buy it for me frm japan n ship it here right?? hehehehehhe
planning to get d type already mixed with dashi. reduces d hassle. can u check d ingredients on dat over there? shud be about d same.
wat's cheap over there? gizmos n stuff i mean.
not halal bcoz it contains alcohol as a preservative !!!
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