Monday, July 28, 2008

Mochi Mania!!

I wasn't happy with my first attempt. Wasn't happy at all. So I went to buy the flour and made some more today.

These were the ones I made on saturday. They were all lumpy. And had too much dusting flour. I think I also made a mistake by using rice flour, not glutinous rice flour.

These are today's first bacth. It was all runny. This time I used glutinous rice flour. I think I got the hang of handling the dough. No mishaps this time. But it was a bit too runny. So I made a second batch.

These are the second batch.

Here's the close up. I added a lil more flour. It's not as runny as the ones before, but still a lil bit too soft, could be a lil more firm. But I'm quite happy with the outcome. Will send some down to the boys for a taste.

Happy with myself. Now gotta go study :(


Emily said...

Bravo! Clap clap clap! You making and bringing us some this weekend? slurp2

Emily said...

here is another variation:

the name is jen ai said...

waaaaaaaaaa ganas!!

i wan eat!!!

Diyana said...

mommy: can can, i can make, no prob. u want purple color?? (er, got such thing as purple colouring ar?)

jen ai: mochi pun blh ganas ka? hahahahah

the name is jen ai said...

can.. why cannot ganas... ahahaha

Emily said...

Diyana, have a look here: