Thursday, May 29, 2008
edited 5/6/08:
Forget it, the psycho chickened out and deleted everything he wrote. no need to click on the link.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Retail Therapy
tooo longggg.
So yeah, did some retail therapy. Lets start with the thing that I actually NEEDED to buy.
Socks! thick socks, to wear to work. Since my safety boots are too big, I have to wear thick socks, currently only have 3, bought another 3, so that I don't have to do laundry in between working days.
Ralph Lauren EDT, I like I like the scent of this one!!! Got RM10 voucher with this purchase, proceeded to buy makeup remover (o_O) with d voucher.
Skin Food stuff. Black Bean Pore Pack. Much much better than the leading brand in the pharmacies. Trust me. The mask, well, bought just to round up my purchase to RM20 above, to get some privileges.
Last but not least, pocket book for my training records.
Sunway Pyramid here I come!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Mommy!!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Can't think of a nice title..
Moving on to real food, don't remember on which day this picture was taken, but I've had this fried rice so many times this week. I have to say this is the best recipe.
Cabbage is the best vege to buy if you know you won't use it up fast. Peel layer by layer, don't cut it in half, so it'll last longer (my mother teach one okayyyy)
I finally went to do the Big Mac chant, at the outlet in LCCT. Wasn't planning on it actually. Was working the day shift on that day. I had one coupon, and my friend found another one earlier that day. At the end of the day, before our shift ended, he was like "Aku lapar lar" I was like "Gi lar makan" and he was like "Ngko try lar Big Mac Chant tu"
I was thinking, oh yeah, free burger. So we went down, march straight to McD, and I did the chant, twice, (two coupons mah, my friend didn't wanna do it) I clocked 2.91 seconds, and 3.10 the second time. So we got a free Big Mac each. Hurray!!
Believe it or not, that night was the first time I've eaten a Big Mac in my life. All this while I only ate Filet-O-Fish or nuggets at McD, not counting the fries lar.
Tapi tak kenyang, ended up cooking fried rice after that. ;p hihihihihihihihi
On my first off day rite now. Been lazing around (what else do I do lar?) I have to go for a briefing tomorrow, by the HR people, company stuff. T_T So I actually have to wake up before noon tomorrow. (>_<) Plan to go out with bf on friday, but his vessel from another day got delayed till friday T_T So not sure if we are still going out this week. (bengang nyer) Saturday going out with homegurls. Kivee is back from India, semester break. Still hoping to go for more retail therapy, we'll see how it goes. In the mean time...

Friday, May 16, 2008
Here In My Home
Do watch the video.
Do visit their home page Malaysian Artiste For Unity
Where else can you see your ceo running around being carefree? Kudos. ;p
Thursday, May 15, 2008
this tag is quite fun! will occasionally quote lyrics that correspond to the question…the rules of this tag are to put your mp3 player/ipod on shuffle, and if the title doesn’t fit, find something in the songs that relate to the questions.
1) How are you feeling today?
This Ain't a Scene It's God Damn Arm's Race by Fallout BoySing, until your lungs give out!
2) Will you get far in life?
Thanks For The Memories by Fallout Boy (it is on shuffle ok)Looking forward to the fuuuuuuuture..
3) What’s your best friend’s theme song?
The Remedy by Jason Mrazdunno lar
4) What is the story of your life?
When You're Gone by Avril LavigneI always needed time on my own
5) What was high school like?
Love Me or Hate Me by Lady Sovereignlove me or hate me it's still an obsession,
love me or hate me that is the question,
if you love me then thank you,
if you hate me then f**k you.
6) How can you get ahead with life?
I Will Buy A New Life by EverclearOh I know that we will never look back.
7) What’s the best thing about your friends?
Let Me Blow Ya Mind by Eve featuring Gwen StefaniThis one strong should be labeled as a hazard.
(ma peeps are a bunch or crazy ppl!!!)
8) Describe your grandparents.
You and I Both by Jason Mrazdunno lar
9) How’s your life going?
Senorita by Justin TimberlakeIt feels like something's heating up!!!!
10) What will be played at my funeral?
Can't Hold Us Down by Christine Aguilera featuring Lil Kim
'nuff said bebeh.
11) Will you have a happy life?
Sorry by Buckcherryahahahahahahahaahahhahaha
12) What do your friends really think of you?
There You Go by Pink13) How can you make yourself happy?
Baby It's You by Jojohahahahahah.
Having you is enough.
14) What should you do with your life?
Live and Die With Us by Poetic Ammo
I be the definition of longevity.
15) Will you ever have children?
Move Ya Feet by Junior Seniortak sesuai langsung!!!!!!
16) What does your mom think of you?
my mom miss me!!!!
17) What is your deep, dark secret?
Obsession by Frankie J and Baby Bash????
18) What is your enemy’s theme song?
A Woman's Worth by Alicia KeysYou could buy me diamonds? hahahahahah
19) Whats your personality like?
Someday We'll Know by Mandy Moore and someone else20) What will be played at your wedding?
Get The Party Started by Pink
Dunno who to tag.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Of Mother's Day, Birthday and Banana Cream Pie.
Anyways, just turned 22 on monday. Thank you to everyone for all the wishes.
I'm not the type to make a fuss about my birthday, but I do make a fuss for people to not make a fuss about it. Geddit? ahaks, nevermind.
Went to surprise mom at her office yesterday. Went with my sis n her bf, supposed to belanja my mom lunch, sorta a belated mother's day and an early (very early) birthday surprise. But she already had lunch. So we just had lunch by ourselves. Gave her her birthday prezzie. Didn't take any pics, will upload some when I get the pics from my sis.
After the surprise visit, me, my sis and wadi(her bf) went to OU. Because I wanted some retail therapy. Couldn't find anything I like in OU. So we proceeded to The curve.
Got four tops for myself. Very worth it, everything for a total of RM88.
This one, to me, is the greatest statement ever! (only certain people will understand why)

Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Extraction
Here's how it went down. I sat down, he asked me which side do I normally chew. I told him right, then he said he'll pull out the tooth on the left first. So he injected the anesthetic, waits for a while. Then he picked up his tweezer+mini icethong-like tool. Starts sticking it between the tooth and my gum, asks me if it hurts, I said no. Because I seriously did not feel a thing. Next thing I know, he PULLS THE TOOTH OUT!! Just like that! Manually!!! Like how the mafias do it in the movies (only they use pliers)
In my head I was going "Bloody hell!"
Thank god I didn't feel a thing. I was numb from my gum, to the left side of my upper lip, up to the left side of my nose. And it remained so for about 2 hours.
Man, I should've taken a picture of my extracted tooth. Would've been a nice picture for this post.
Will be extracting the other tooth next week. Might take a picture then. Treated myself to a strawberry sundae from McD, tapau-ed lunch from McD also. The girl at the cashier must be thinking "Apesal lar amoi ni cakap pelik giler" Well, I was numb ok, my upper lip probably wasn't moving when I talk. hahahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahaha.
The numbness is gone, and no pain so far. Thankfully. But I've pain killers, so hopefully everything will be fine.
In the mean time, thinking of trying out the Big Mac Chant, the one where you have to chant "two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun" under 4 seconds. reckon I can do it? hehehe.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
It has been extended
Thankfully, June 15th is my off day, as I've already registered to take part in a treasure hunt with Tina, Audrey and Angie. Hopefully we get a placing for this one.
Was so dayum bored today. Didn't go to sleep till 3 something in the morning, didn't wake up till like 6 in the evening. Talk about laziness.
I have to wake up early tomorrow, I have an appointment with my dentist. I think my teeth will be extracted tomorrow. Need to extract 2 teeth from my upper row. Not sure if they'll extract both tomorrow. Think I'm gonna have to cook and eat porridge for a few days after that, since my braces will surely be tighten tomorrow.
Did anyone watch AIM? I didn't, was working that night. Even if I wasn't working that night, the only reason for me to watch it is Yogi B, I found out about the results, he didn't win. Bummer. I've never heard of the winner. Oh well, what the hell. Faizal walked away with the most awards. WTH??!! and Suki got the award for the most promising artist. Now can can she win the most promising artist when her runner up walked away with album of the year? How can she be promising when she, the winner of OIAM1, is way far behind the runner up? HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA funny lar.
Don't even get me started on Point Blanc not being nominated. Seems because he wasn't qualified for the chinese album category, hence he's automatically not qualified for other smaller categories. Whatever lar. Video was way more advance than our normal local videos, album cover was great. He'll be back AIM, just you wait. He gon be back with a BANG!
Man, I'm in a state of uber laziness right now. I'm only up and about during work. I even do OT, but when I'm home, I'm in my lazy zone. Heavy ass mode. Stuck to the sofa, astro remote glued to my hand. ahaks.
Think I'll drop by starbucks on my way back from the dentist tomorrow. Haven't had a caramel frappucino for a lloooonnnngggg time.

The Side of Me That Doesn't Deal with Grease, Jet Oil and Hydraulic Fluids
The crazy side that I have to tone down at work so that people will take me seriously. The loud side of me that most people can't stand. The girly side of my that includes pictures where I have eyeliner and mascara on. The side of my that tries to cook, loves to read, and enjoys tatting.
The side of me, that took part in's "yes, no, umm, ah" twice, and lost. (>_<) The game works in a funny way. They announce the cue to call. But the first time I took part, they didn't play my entry until the next day's show. Weird huh? The best part, the second time I took part, they asked for my number and said that they'll call me back. 0_O And they did call me back, a few days later, early in the morning, when I've just finished washing off the dirt accumulated under my nails during work. Funny lar, unfair how they announce the cue to call when they already have players for the game an hour before. Whatever lar, I think I'm gonna try again till I win. I'm sure Neoh will try too. He's been very-the-semangat about it.
I'm on my off day now. Nothing to do, well except to clean up the house (>_<) the floor is sticky again. Lazy lar.... Finally sent my car to the car wash this morning, haven't had it washed for a few weeks. Oh and my car's air-con is A OK, turns out there was a piece of cloth stuck somewhere, causing the air-con not to work properly T_T like what the heck.
In dire need of retail therapy. I miss the ambiance of a shopping centre, the glossy shiny floors, the wonderful display windows, the smell of new things, the excitement of finding something you like and trying it on, browsing through new things. But I think I'll postpone it till after my birthday, then I'll go shopping. But can't think of anything that I want right now, the Blackberry doesn't seem all so important right now.
Tatting has been postponed for a while. Fell out of the mood, but will get back to it soon, especially because of the fact that the threads costs so much.
Haven't watched a movie in the cinema for a llooonnngg time. Planning to catch "The Kite Runner" read the book, wonder how the movie will be. There's another movie I wanna watch but can't remember what it is right now.
Now, where should I go for retail therapy...klcc? pavillion? mid valley? sungei wang?